In the press

The best web-studio in Kazakhstan 2016

“The Web-sites created by this company, received 3 first and 3 third places in thematic awards. Grand prix web-site of 2016 was also made by these guys.”

About internet-marketing

“Entrepreneurs often make mistakes in choosing internet-marketing tools. It seems easy.”

Expert Kazakhstan, 9 December 2016

About new website Red Jolbors festival

“We tried to make new website handy: improved the structure and navigation. The work submission became more logical, and the ticket purchase for the festival now is understandable. We improved the jury section, where its members estimate the participants’ works.”

How everything is arranged in Rocketfirm

“Our company helps people to achieve the goals and results. We are the guys who do the work well. Therefore, we work longer, but reach retentive results. We do not force anyone, we do not oblige anything to anyone.”

Weproject, 22 April 2016

About stickers “Kazakhstan reality

“In Emoji set devoted to Nauryz several traditional Kazakh dishes are presented, among them there is beshbarmak and baursak, quilted patchwork blanket korpe, traditional musical instrument dombra, yurt, akyn — Kazakh poet and singer, woman and man in national headdresses, in addition gifted lamb with a bow.”

In work every detail is important

Business Territory, 2014