The site of online radio station NE.FM

Ne.FM is an internet radio station with experienced team and their own studio in Almaty. The main feature of the project is game engine in the heart of website: after registration the listeners gain points in exchange for online activities. The obtained points participants can spend in competitions.

In our agency new website was developed, the game logic was updated, the users’ data were transferred from old source. The new design acquired visual style with colorful encoding music channels and the key feature — listening to music moved to foreground.

On the main page everything you needed is at your fingertips. At the top of the page the music style and radio station can be chosen. The programs, competitions, news and recommendations are below.

In the user’s profile there is personal information and history of online activities and points for them like listening statistics, number of friends invited and ironic classification of web site users.

The user's page

 The infographics of statistics and the description of the game engine are contained in “About project” section.

About the project